Useful AutoTexts
Our suggestion is to copy all AutoText from "McEntee, James..."
Here's a list of the most frequently used AutoTexts:
Admissions, Reviews & Discharge Summaries
.aicu_ward_review - ward review template for referrals
.aicu_daily_review - ICU daily review/ward round template
.aicu_admit_gen - Standard ICU admission template
.aicu_admit_hiv - HIV related admission template
.aicu_admit_burns - Burns admission template
.aicu_mdt - ICU MDT template
LocSSIPs (note that when copying these you should change the name at the top to your own!)
.locssip_bronch - Bronchoscopy
.locssip_chestdrain - Chest drain (more suited to surgical but should be used for both)Â
.locssip_cvc - Central Line/VasCath insertion
.locssip_intubation - Intubation
.locssip_lp - Lumbar Puncture
.locssip_PICC - PICC line insertion (ICU not IR)
.locssip_trache - percutaneous tracheostomy insertion
Generally useful:
.antiXaTarget - target levels for anti-Factor Xa monitoring
.dka_plan - plan based on DKA national guidelines
.filter - standard indications to start renal replacement therapy (useful as a suggestion for referrals about RRT)
.flolan_nebs - instructions of how to make up and titrate continuously nebulised FloLan/epoprostanol for pulmonary hypertension
.heparin - standard protocol for APTTr monitoring for heparin RRT
.hypoNa - hyponatraemia plan
.night_review - an abridged AICU review for night shifts (it removes the Overview section)
.pancreatitis_referral - questions to ask and advice for pancreatitis referrals
.piccBlocked - troubleshooting blocked PICC lines
.pmwr - afternoon AICU ward round template
.prone - template for proning patients and aftercare
.trache_assent - information for tracheostomy assent from relative/consent from patients
.trache_procedure - standard, uncomplicated, percutaneous tracheostomy procedure notes