There's an issue with my rota

I'm rota'd to work on CLWrota but should be off!

The Master Rota is the reference for everything. 

If you've found an error then email the junior rota lead If it's short notice then send them a WhatsApp too.

We have to manually transcribe the master rota to CLW and even if we're 99.9% accurate with transcription, there will be at least 1 error for each person during their rotation. 

It's your responsibility to ensure your rota is accurate. Please check CLWrota at least a week in advance.

Why hasn't my leave been approved?

We have people on 3, 4, 6, and 12 month contracts. This makes safe staffing complex to plan. To ensure you aren't over worked due to understaffing we have to approve leave in batches. In almost all situations, we will approve leave if given at least 6 weeks notice. However, it might not be until 4 weeks before that date that we approve it on CLWrota.

If you've got a major life event - wedding, birth, honeymoon, complex holiday plans etc. then send us an email and we'll make sure to get your leave sorted as soon as we can.