A Typical Day

There can be a lot of variability between days but here's a rough guide to get you started:

0800 - Handover

We start handover with an Operational Handover where we run through some information e.g. introductions, number of patients, allergies etc.

The on-call team will stay and get handover from the night team. Everyone else will divide to review patients. Where possible we try not to allocate patients to the on-call team but if needed allocate first to the SHO then the SpR.  

~0930 - Morning Ward Round

In preparation for this the on-call SHO should prepare some portable computers - WOWs. Each consultant has a different preference but the more jobs that can be done of the ward round, the better. To help this we suggest a computer each for:

We use Cerner and during induction we will teach you how we make best use of it. We use a standard template and a systems based approach.

After finishing the ward round we divide the jobs and enact them.

1400 - Teaching

We have a robust teaching program and have sessions most days. If you'd like to see our teaching program 

1630 - Afternoon Ward Round

A shorter ward round than the morning. The aim is to recap the progress of the day and make a plan for the night shift so you only need to write a short note.

1800 - End of a Normal Day

2000 - Evening Handover

The day on call team handover to the night team. This is a consultant free handover.

Regular Weekly Activities

Wednesday - ICU MDT at 1500